Student Scholarships in UFAGJ have been Increased-Competition
The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova announces the competition for students who have the right to application for scholarship in the academic year 2024/2025.For this year, the scholarship sum has been increased from 600euro into 800 euro. This step was taken on purpose of helping talented students in their academic pursuit, creating for them suitable conditions. Through this change, the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova demonstrates once more its commitment in the process of investing in students who have potential, hence, supporting them financially towards their professional development.
The deadline for application is 15 days, respectively, from 28.10.2024 until 11.11. 2024, at 16:00. The students of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ Gjakovë, who have the right to application for scholarship, apart from attaching the necessary documents, they have to also apply in SMU, according to the following procedure:
1.Students have access in their SMU and have to click the section ANNOUNCEMENTS/OTHERS-APPLY
FOR SCHOLARSHIP (See the MANUAL in page 33).
2.Click the APPLY button
3.After the window opens, at the section ‘’Apply for scholarship for the academic year’’ -choose the
academic year 2023/2024, type of scholarship: Scholarships distributed by the University and click the
APPLY button.
4.Then it appears the notification ‘’You applied successfully’’ and at the button Report, you press
Application/Report you have applied.
5.The pressed Application/Report must be attached to other documents required by competition, and
are submitted in the Students’ Service Office in the respective faculty.