
Call for a conference with international participation on the topic: "Healthcare through a multidisciplinary approach"

Call for abstracts


Call for Papers: Fifth International Scientific Conference – The Dialogue of Civilizations and Cultures | Cultural Integration and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities

Call for abstracts


Call for the International Scientific Conference International Eurasian Conference on Health Sciences & Social Research (IEHSSR 2024)

Call for abstracts


Call for the International Scientific Conference "Bridge 2024" on the topic: "Bridging Education and Innovation for Advancing Science and Society"

Call for abstracts


Call for the International Scientific Conference on the topic: "SOCIAL WORK, EDUCATION AND INNOVATION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES"

Book of abstracts

Call for abstracts


Call for conference with international participation on the topic: "Chronic non-communicable diseases, a Public Health challenge"

Call for abstracts


The second international scientific conference "ISSUES OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND LITERARY TRANSLATION"

The article


INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE - Eurasian Conferences on Language and Social Sciences X ECLSS, 29 - 30 June 2022



Call for a conference with international participation, on the topic: "Diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot and other complications"


Call for abstracts


INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE - Eurasian Conferences on Language and Social Sciences X ECLSS, 02 - 03 February 2021

Proceeding book

Call for abstracts



29th International Scientific Conference – Knowledge In Practice, 18 – 19 December 2020



28th International Scientific Conference – The Power of Knowledge, 09 – 11 October, 2020, Kavala, Greece​



27th International Scientific Conference – Knowledge for Sustainability, 21 – 23 August, 2020,  Struga, Macedonia​



26th International Scientific Conference – The Teacher Of The Future, Which Will Be Held In Budva, Montenegro



XII International Scientific Conference: Challenges for quality vocationaland academic education and training ( 3 April, 2020 Ulcinj, Republic of Montenegro)  


24th International Scientific Conference: KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS (27-29.March, 2020 Vrnjacka banja, Republic of Serbia)


THE FIRST INTERNATIONA  SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE: Triage, patronage and prevention (17 December 2019, University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, Gjakova, Republic of Kosovo)


23 rd International Scientific Conference: KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE (12 – 15 December, 2019 Bansko, Bulgaria)


“Active Ageing in a Developing Society: Stakeholders, responsibilities and challenges” (13th September, 2019, University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, Gjakova, Republic of Kosovo) 


Call for abstracts in International Conference "Active Ageing in a Developing Society: stakeholders, responsibilities and challenges"

The University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" organizes an International Conference "Active Aging in a Developing Society: stakeholders, responsibilities and challenges", as a project funded by HERAS (Higher Education Research and Applied Sciences).

The main purpose of this conference is to promote the phenomenon of healthy aging, highlighting and strengthening the roles of different actors in the process of dealing with the elderly in a developing country like Kosovo.

Call for abstracts and other detal informations, please find in attached document. 

Call for abstract

Conference Programme

Book of abstracts


An International Conference on Migration and Diaspora was held at the University of Gjakova

In the framework of the project on Migration and Industrial Citizenship (ICM) at the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", on November 10-11, 2016 was held an international conference entitled "Migration and Diaspora: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Policy". Creating bridges between research and policy). The ICM project is a research grant from the RRPP (Regional Research Promotion Program), led by Dr. Erka Çaro (lead researcher) in collaboration with Dr. Mimoza Dushi (researcher on Kosovo cases).

The purpose of this conference was presenting the results of the research work of the ICM project, to launch the recommendations issued by the migrants themselves to the policy makers and to create a network of cooperation between those interested in migration issues. To discuss the issues that concern Albanian migrants today, related to the economic investments of the diaspora in the countries of origin as well as the reintegration of the returnees in the country of origin; The strategies they use, the challenges they face and the need for legal support.

The conference was two days long. On the first day, political recommendations addressed to policy makers and civil society of both countries, Albania and Kosovo, were discussed. Then, continued the presentations by prof. Nathan Lilie from the University of Jyvaskula in Finland and Dr. Ilir Gedeshi from the Center for Economic and Social Studies in Tirana. Then, the afternoon part continues with two plenary sessions. In the first panel "Perspectives of the Albanian Diaspora: Challenges, Strategies and Results" was discussed with representatives of the diaspora, as investors in the country of origin and the challenges they face. While in the second panel "Diaspora and Development: Filling gaps of research, civil society and policy makers" was discussed with representatives of policy makers, unions and researchers on strategies to be undertaken to ensure the connection and functioning between these structures.

On the second day of the conference, the scientific papers were presented by different researchers, divided into two sessions. Session on Albanian migrant issues in countries of migration and session on returnee and reintegration issues in countries of origin.

Present at the conference were representatives from the governmental bodies of Albania and Kosovo, politicians, civil society, non-governmental organizations, international organizations and various researchers dealing with migration issues.

The conference program can be found at the link

