Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences organize a lecture and exhibition dedicated to the ’16 Days of Activation against gender-based and domestic violence’
On behalf of the campaign ’16 Days of Activization against gender-based and domestic violence’, students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, in regards to the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova have organized an open lecture, have drafted and distributed the leaflet, and also opened an exhibition dedicated to this event.
Part of this lecture were: The vice-rector for Research and Scientific work, Academic Development and Quality Increase Prof.Ass.Dr. Arben Boshnjaku, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof.Ass.Dr. Ferdi Kamberi, members of the Steering Council, Professors of the academic units, the General Secretary of the UFAGJ, students, civic society representatives and media.
In regards to the panel, lectures were given from Prof.Ass. Dr Ferdi Kamberi, dean of this faculty, who focused more in the social aspect of gender-based violence, causes and consequences, as well as the program models for the prevention and minimization of this issue. Part of the panel was also Dr.Sc. Bekim Avdiu, who focused more on the legal framework of the gender-based violence in Kosovo, the international conventions, the role of the Kosovo Police and last year’s data regarding this phenomenon. Part of the panel was also Mrs. Safete Gacaferi, head of the civic society ‘’Women’s Association ‘Jeta’, who spoke more about the role of civic society, raise of the general social awareness and their work as an advocating organization.
By the end of the lecture, at the Hall of the Faculty it was organized the exhibition with the work of students regarding gender-based and domestic violence. And all this event was concluded with a casual cocktail.
This organization is a continuity of other organizations by the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, in collaboration with the academic staff.